Thursday, August 1, 2013

Running on Vacation Success: Training for Philadelphia {Week 2}

Look everyone: I successfully completed week 2! Half of this week I was on vacation on the east coast for my high school reunion.  Needless to say I was a little worried that I wouldn't get my miles in.  I'm pretty infamous for packing my running shoes on vacation and never using them.  BUT, I succeeded and actually followed my training schedule, pretty much to a tee.

The week went a little bit like this....

Monday - 3 miles

Not going to lie, it took me a minute to remember these miles.  Oh that's right, it was my first adventure in a running skirt. This is how that went:
Epic fail.

There should be a disclaimer on the tag: Do you have large thighs? Don't buy me, then. 
As a result, I suffered through 3 miles along Mission Bay, stopping every quarter mile to {ahem} adjust my shorts. Never again. But at least I finished!

Tuesday - Cross

Another week of biceps, triceps and cardio circuits with Mission Fit Camp.

Wednesday - 3 miles

I had a redeye on Wednesday night to New York and didn't think I could get a run in.  I scrambled home and changed quickly and managed to run around the neighborhood before my flight.  Having just moved a month or so ago, I haven't found a good route yet that is easy to calculate. I used to have the perfect mile loop figured out from my front door.  Clearly, I have some investigating to do.

Thursday - 3 miles

Home sweet home.... I arrived in Connecticut on Thursday to torrential downpours, early Spring-like temperatures and gusting wind.  It was beautiful, to say the least. <insert sarcasm here> My dreams of running along the water were shattered.  That is, until after dinner, when a pause in the rain came.  I dragged my friend down to the local boardwalk for a couple of miles.  Unfortunately, due to Hurricane Sandy, the once mile long stretch of boardwalk has now been reduced to a half mile. Three quick out and back loops did the job.  It was the perfect time of day, just before dusk.  The bay was smooth and the light sprinkle was just what I needed after a day of dodging horizontal rain.

Friday  - Rest

I took advantage of my rest day and used it for other activities.  Like this one:
Nothing but pure class.

Saturday - 5.56 miles (of 7 attempted miles)

Small town life.
Why hello, east coast humidity, I have not missed you. I set out for my long run of the week at 9 am on Saturday.  That was my first mistake.  My friend and I had calculated a 7 mile route around her neighborhood the night before.  Basically, my goal was to hit every cul-de-sac in the development. Sounds thrilling, doesn't it? After 4 miles of this, I could have died of boredom, and there was no shade to speak of. So, I decided to head out of the development to the nice winding tree covered lane. I now know why this road is called Grassy Hill.
Looks picturesque, don't let that fool you.
If you ever need a bit of hill training, just head to southeastern Connecticut. I went between running and walking for a few miles until I decided I was over it and walked home. But hey, at least I got out there, right??

My high school reunion was that night.  Of course, I forgot to take pictures.  I was too busy handing out drink tickets and trying my best not to be awkward.

Sunday - Rest

I headed up to Boston on Sunday to visit with another friend from high school. We did a bit of walking through the North End, followed by an amazing Italian dinner (caprese salad and eggplant lasagna) and a cannoli (a must). What a way to end the week!
Worth the line out the door.  Tip: there is no real line, if you're a local.

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